BC CRN Spotlight: Heather von Ilberg Poem, A CRN

Poem, poet words blurred over out of focus words on pages

This Spotlight features a lovely poem submission of what a CRN is. The poem was penned 10 years ago as part of a CRN event by Heather von Ilberg, Regional Mentor for West Kootenay/Boundary. We quite enjoyed reading this and we think you will too!



I’m here to tell you something about the CRN

Those of you who know us well are saying “Not Again!!!”

But some of you are new to this and need some information

The principles, the vision and then there’s legislation.


But let’s start with the basics.  What is CRN about?

A Community Response Network can surely help you out.

You bring a microcosm of your community together

And help get people talking to make situations better.


We’re a registered non-profit with a board and staff we’ve fashioned.

We’ve got a little money, but tons of heart and drive and passion.

Our home base is Vancouver, but the CRNs themselves

Are all around BC – from Kaslo to Sechelt.


We invite you to the table to enhance relationships

With those who care about abuse, neglect and guardianship.

We give you tools that you may use in working everyday

But also we are focused on the HOW, as you might say.


We’ve learned a lot of lessons since beginning long ago.

A Pilot Project started things in ‘95, you know.

We look at how communities work together to end abuse.

Education and events help people learn the truth.


We treat each other with respect; we have a laugh or three.

We look at power and inclusion and capability.

You’re invited to the table; your knowledge is required.

Unless we hear from everyone the picture’s not entire.


We help to get some protocols for best practices in place.

We do workshops for free, both on Zoom and face to face.

The AGA, and RAA are Acts that are connected

But CRN’s aren’t limited to those who are affected.


We come together believing that abuse can have an end:

The nurse, the support worker, the banker, and the friend.

The key is strong relationships, and a willingness to trust.

Along with information and some time, just to adjust.


We work so people on the street will have the information

To know what help is out there to stop abusive situations.

This is not a type of service; we do not handle cases.

We are coordinating bodies with many different faces.


I hope I’ve given you a taste and left you wanting more.

Our website is a treasure trove of stuff – a free resources store

We are www.bccrns.ca

To join your local CRN, call the Coordinator and make their day!!


Meet Heather

As Regional Mentor for West Kootenay/Boundary, Heather oversees six CRNs in Beaver Valley, Boundary/Grand Forks, Castlegar, Kaslo, Nelson and Salmo. For the past 30 years, her focus has been on making communities safer and more accessible. She has worked primarily with people living with disabilities and those living with HIV/AIDS and/or Hep C. She sat on the Provincial Advisory Committee for HIV/AIDS for several years before its dissolution, and is a past member of the BC Adult Abuse and Neglect Prevention Collaborative.   Heather has been involved with the Adult Guardianship Project since 1994 and was one of the original CRN Pilot Project Coordinators.


We welcome applications for feature spotlights from our members. Please contact us through the website. Chosen applications will be contacted, submissions may be subject to editorial changes.


Explore our website to learn more about BC CRN or connect with your local CRN for more information or resources.


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