Immigrants and Newcomers

The word "welcome" spelled on a cork board.


The Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies of British Columbia (AMSSA) reports that British Columbia (BC) is “the province with the second highest proportion of immigrants in Canada… [and is] home to a population with significant linguistic diversity.  Approximately one in three (29.6%) of BC residents has a mother tongue other than English or French, which exceeds the Canadian average of 22.9%.  The most common immigrant language mother tongues are Punjabi, Cantonese, and Mandarin.”

More than 2 in 5 seniors in Canada are immigrants.  AMSSA has highlighted the challenges, barriers, and needs that BC’s newcomer seniors contend with, which includes:

  • Income insecurity
  • Language barriers
  • Social isolation
  • Inadequate healthcare
  • Transportation barriers

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