
Group of older adults laughing over tea.


Statistics Canada indicates, “the number of persons aged 65 and older [in 2020] was estimated at 985,812 persons, accounting for approximately 19% of all the residents in BC.  Senior population is projected to steadily increase to represent almost 25% of all BC residents (or 1,607,284 persons) in 2041.  This will represent a 63% growth of senior population between 2020 and 2041.”

As the population of seniors in BC continues to grow, and as life expectancies continue to increase, there is a growing focus on the risks and concerns affecting older adults.   Indeed, older adults often contend with barriers relating to advance care planning, ageism, finances, transportation, housing, and much more.

BC CRN has curated resources, information, and research on topics related to adult abuse, neglect, and self-neglect.  Please refer to the orange menu on the right side of your screen to find specific resources pertaining to various topics.

Looking for more general information?  Please consider these additional resources:

  • BC 211
    BC 211 is a resources directory in the province.  This service is free, confidential, multilingual, and available 24/7.
    Phone: Dial 2-1-1 to talk with an Information & Referral Specialist.
  • Seniors Abuse & Information Line (SAIL)
    SAIL is a safe place for older adults, and those who care about them, to talk to someone about situations where they feel they are being abused or mistreated, or to receive information about elder abuse prevention.
    Phone: 1 (866) 437-1940
  • Assisted Living Registry
    The Assisted Living Registry protects the health and safety of assisted living residents.
    Phone: 1 (866) 714-3378
  • BC Seniors Advocate
    The Office of the BC Seniors Advocate monitors and analyzes seniors services and issues in BC, and makes recommendations to the government and to service providers.
    Phone: 1 (877) 952-3181
  • Community Care Licensing Office
    Contact the Community Care Licensing Office if you are concerned about the health, safety, or well-being of a person in care at a community care facility.
    Phone Enquiry BC: 1 (800) 663-7867 (Ask to be connected to your health authority’s Community Care Licensing Office)
  • VictimLinkBC
    VictimLinkBC is a toll-free, confidential, and multilingual telephone service available across BC and is available 24/7.  It provides information and referral services to victims of crime and their immediate family members.
    Phone or text: 1 (800) 563-0808