BC CRN’s Gatekeeper program is geared towards any individual, agency, or community service provider who has regular, ongoing contact with adults as part of their daily routine. This program is offered virtually to essential workers and to the general public for FREE!
About the Program
The Gatekeeper program was developed by Ray Raschko, M.S.W., and Francie Coleman, M.S.W. in 1978 when Raschko had the idea to reach out to people who were in regular contact with older adults (e.g. postal workers, beauticians and other community service providers, etc.), to invite them to make confidential referrals to the mental health agency, that would then be followed up. Gatekeeper is considered a best practice for identifying vulnerable adults, and connecting them to critical community services, and has since been adapted all over the world. BC CRN has adapted Gatekeeper as one of its feature workshops to assist communities with recognizing the signs of abuse and neglect and then correctly and respectfully referring these individuals to the appropriate agency. Gatekeeper can also work together with the It’s Not Right! program.
Objectives of the Program
- Understand the role of the local CRN and how they work with “gatekeepers”
- Understand the role of “gatekeepers” in the community, and what they can do to address abuse and neglect
- Learn about the different forms of adult abuse and neglect
- How and when to refer the individual to help
If you are interested in booking a Gatekeeper presentation or attending an upcoming presentation, simply complete the form below and a member of our team will get back to you shortly!