Financial Abuse Investigators Gather for One-Day Conference

Attendees watching presentation at a Financial Abuse Investigators Conference hosted by CREA in Langley.

On November 19, the Council to Reduce Elder Abuse (CREA) hosted a Financial Abuse Investigators conference in Langley. The invitation-only event was attended by over 50 representatives from the BC RCMP, health authorities, financial institutions, BC Securities Commission, Community Living BC, The Public Guardian and Trustee (PGT) and others.

The full-day event included presentations and case studies that engaged participants in exploring their potential roles in addressing financial abuse as well as some of the community resources, such as those offered by BC CRN, Seniors First BC and RCMP E Division Federal Policing/Prevention and Engagement. Participants also learned about the role of the US Secret Service when financial crimes move beyond our borders.

The conference was organized by CREA’s Financial Abuse Investigators Group, co-chaired by Alison Leaney from the PGT and Detective Anna Grigoletto from the Financial Crime Unit, Vancouver Police Department with support from Sarah Stott-Eveneshen.

CREA is a province-wide group created in 2013 by the BC Government’s Ministry of Health in response to the “Together to Reduce Elder Abuse – BC Strategy”.  A committee of BC CRN, CREA’s purpose is to raise awareness about elder abuse and neglect prevention, recognition and response in British Columbia. They do this by supporting information-sharing, education and training across sectors; convening and hosting dialogue on strategies; and if funding is available, to maintain a process for disseminating project funding. 

For more information about CREA, visit: 


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