Pledge to become a champion of elder abuse prevention for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2022.
This year on June 15th, we are inviting Canadians of all ages to join BC CRN, CanAge, Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (CNPEA) and Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario (EAPO) to remind the world that human rights don’t get old.
Register now to participate in a free, national online event on June 15 at 1 PM (EST) to join the discussion with aging and elder abuse thought leaders, politicians, and community members on what we can all do in the coming year to protect seniors from abuse and neglect in all its forms. View the event program.
If you’re unable to attend this virtual session, you can still help. Check out the key actions we can all take to create a safe and supportive society and be sure to contact your local Community Response Network (CRN) for information on in-person and virtual events in your area. Volunteers are welcome!
Finally, remember to also post your WEAAD photos to your social channels. (We’re on Facebook and Twitter!) Remember to tag @BCCRNS in your posts. Visit the national WEAAD and BC CRN websites for special WEAAD social media content.
Together, we can uphold the rights of all older Canadians.