Because of COVID-19, please check with organizers directly to learn the status of their events.
Intergenerational Day 2021
June 1, 2021, Provincewide
2021 marks the eleventh Intergenerational Day recognized in BC. Join us in safely celebrating intergenerational friendships this year! This is a great day to recognize as a precursor to World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on June 15.
For pandemic safe activities for your community’s children and youth, visit the i2i Society’s website.
Elder Abuse: What Is It? How Do We Deal With It? (Webinar)
June 3, 2021 @ 1 PM (PST), Online
Hosted by Seniors First BC
This 60-minute workshop addresses the correlation between social isolation and abuse of older adults, types of abuse and people involved, and strategies to deal with abuse. We discuss the importance of staying connected to others through brainstorming community resources, and viewing a short video depicting a fictional story of social isolation and elder abuse.
This session is free, but advance registration is required.
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) 2021
June 15, 2021, Worldwide
Count on #BCCRNWEAAD2021 to take place in your community. Check with your local Community Response Networks (CRNs) for pandemic-safe activities and events.
Older Adult Abuse and Neglect (Webinar)
June 15, 2021 @ 12 Noon (PST), Online
Hosted by the Coquitlam and Port Coquitlam RCMP
This online presentation is the latest offering of the Community Safety series. Learn what older adult abuse and neglect are, how to recognize them, and the steps you can take when you suspect adult abuse and neglect are occurring.
This session is free, but advance registration is required.
BC Community Gaming Grant for Human and Social Services (HSS) Sector (Webinar)
June 16, 2021 @ 2 PM (PST), Online
Hosted by the BC Association for Charitable Gaming (BCACG)
Presented by BCACG Executive Director Kelina Kwan, on the agenda for this two-hour webinar:
- How to access the BC Community Gaming Grant 2021
- What’s New
- COVID-19 Info
- Application Tips
- Q&A
This webinar is free and registration is required.
National Indigenous Persons Day
June 21, 2021, Nationwide
Join us and the rest of the country in recognizing and celebrating the unique heritage, diverse cultures, and outstanding contributions of Indigenous people, which include First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities. In cooperation with Indigenous organizations, the Government of Canada chose June 21, the summer solstice, for National Aboriginal Day, now known as National Indigenous Peoples Day. For generations, many Indigenous peoples and communities have celebrated their culture and heritage on or near this day due to the significance of the summer solstice as the longest day of the year.
BC CRN Annual General Meeting (AGM)
June 24, 2021, 5 PM (PST), Online – By Invitation Only
Council of Senior Citizens’ Organizations of BC (COSCO) Conference 2021
September 27-28, 2021, Online
Contact COSCO on Facebook or through their website for more information.
National Seniors Day/International Day of the Older Person
October 1, 2021, Nationwide, Worldwide
These two days fall on the same day! In Canada, National Seniors Day is about finding occasions for all Canadians to appreciate and celebrate older adults. The intent of National Seniors Day is to showcase the contribution seniors make to the Canadian economy and that their contribution is valuable and ongoing. Seniors helped build our communities and our country.
International Day of the Older Person is a United Nations designated day that aims to raise awareness of the challenges of population aging and to promote the development of society for all ages.
Talk to your local CRN to see if there are any events being planned to recognize either of these days in your community.
AGETech Innovation Week 2021 – Save the Date!
October 4-8, 2021, Online
Meet and share ideas with leaders in the AgeTech sector in Canada and elsewhere. Explore challenges and opportunities for getting technology into people’s hands, and generate socio-economic impact. Discover innovations that will shape the future of aging.
Bookmark this link for upcoming registration details.
BC Association for Charitable Gaming (BCACG) and Volunteer BC Symposium 2021 – Save the Date!
October 28-29, 2021, Online
For more information, bookmark the BCACG website for upcoming details on registration and programming.
BC Crime Prevention Week
November 1-7, 2021, Provincewide
Seniors and vulnerable adults are safer when we reach out and show them that we care. Adult abuse is a growing problem in Canada. Involved, caring communities keep all vulnerable adults safe. Join us in spreading adult abuse, neglect, and self-neglect prevention and education to recognize Crime Prevention Week by talking to your local CRN.
International Day of Persons with Disabilities
December 3, 2021, Worldwide
Proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 1992, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) has been annually observed on December 3 around the world. Disabled adults must also be acknowledged for their strengths, and not just for their vulnerabilities.
Adults with disabilities may be vulnerable to abuse and neglect, and others may be lonely and isolated. Talk to your local CRN to see if they are planning any events to recognize this day. Even better, get involved and volunteer!
(Header Photo: WEAAD 2019, Chinese CRN, MOSAIC)