Because of COVID-19, please check with organizers directly to learn the status of their events.
Fraud Prevention Month
March 1-31, 2021
March is Fraud Prevention Month. This annual campaign aims to help you recognize, reject and report fraud. To learn more, visit the Government of Canada’s Competition Bureau website for resources on how to avoid fraud and scams and contact your community’s CRN to get involved in local activities or to receive resources.
National Social Work Week
March 14-20, 2021
Several of our staff and volunteers are social workers. Join us in recognizing this essential profession and its contributions to the community. To get involved, visit #NationalSocialWorkMonth
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) 2021
June 15, 2021, Worldwide
Although we don’t know what the world will look like come summer, count on #BCCRNWEAAD2021 to take place in your community! Mark your calendars now and start thinking about how to creatively bring your community together to recognize the day!
Council of Senior Citizens’ Organizations in BC (COSCOBC) Virtual Conference
September 26-27, 2021, Online
Check their Facebook page or website for more details on programming when it becomes available.
Seniors Living Expo and Job Fair, BC Care Providers Association **POSTPONED UNTIL NOVEMBER 6-7, 2021
Please check back for details.