International Day of Persons with Disabilities
December 3, 2022, Worldwide
Proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 1992, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) has been annually observed on December 3 around the world. Disabled adults must also be acknowledged for their strengths, and not just for their vulnerabilities.
Check with your local Community Response Networks (CRNs) to see if events are happening in your neighbourhood to observe the day.
It’s Not Right! Neighbours, Families and Friends for Older Adults (BC CRN Free Workshop)
December 6 at 12 PM (PST), Online
Registration is now open for our next free workshop. Sign up online or by emailing
Learn more about how to recognize the warning signs of abuse of older adults and to respond safely and supportively. Together, we’ll discuss true-to-life scenarios to build skills.
The agenda:
- Examples of the warning signs/risk factors of adult abuse and how to recognize them.
- Discussions about ageism.
- Video scenarios of situations of abuse and neglect.
- Skills building to respond safely/supportively: learn how to have conversations about suspected abuse.
Everyone is welcome. This workshop is free of charge.
BC CRN offers free online workshops the first Wednesday of the month, alternating It’s Not Right! and See Something, Say Something.
National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, The Canadian Federation of University Women Victoria, and St. Margaret’s School in partnership with Victoria Women’s Transition House and BC CRN.
December 6, 2022 at 4:15 PM (PST), Online
You are invited to mark the anniversary of the murder of 14 young women at the Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal. These young women were killed simply because they were women.
Gender-based violence is an issue relevant to us all. A panel of speakers from organizations that include the Victoria Women’s Transition House and the BC CRN will provide an overview of the circumstances and needs of the clients they serve and the services they offer.
There is no cost to participate in this vigil, however, advance online registration is required.
Do Interventions to Reduce Ageism Work? A Meta-Analysis Review Finds Promising Results (Free Webinar), Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario
December 7, 2022 at 12 PM (EST), Online
Research has found a strong link between ageism (in the form of negative stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination toward older people) and harm to older adult physical and mental health, as well as a potential risk factor for elder abuse.
Dr. David Burnes will share the findings from a systematic review and meta-analysis assessing the relative effects of different intervention types (education, intergenerational contact, and combined education/intergenerational contact) designed to reduce ageism among youths and adults. Findings indicate feasible and effective interventions to reduce ageism.
This presentation is offered in collaboration with Age Friendly Communities. Learn more and register now.
National Volunteer Week
April 16-22, 2023
Volunteers are at the heart of all our Community Response Networks (CRNs). Join us this week in celebrating their amazing contributions.
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) 2023
June 15, 2023, Worldwide
It’s never too early to start planning and show your purple power!
Join us on June 15th to help continue the national conversation on adult abuse prevention and spread the word on what can be done to make your community safe for everyone.
Contact your local CRN for more information on how you can get involved.
National Indigenous Peoples Day
June 21, 2023
Taking place on the summer solstice, the day is an opportunity to learn more about the cultures, voices, experiences and histories of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples.
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
September 30, 2023
Originally known as “Orange Shirt Day”, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is a call to reflect and learn about First Nations history in Canada’s residential schools. The day is observed to honour the children who never returned home, their families, and residential school survivors.
National Seniors Day
October 1, 2023
Celebrate your community’s seniors with us! Contact your local CRN for activities in your neighbourhood.
Header photo: G. Sharma, APNI CRN