Black History Month Virtual Celebration
Government of Canada
February 17, 2022 at 7 PM (EST) Online on Facebook Live
Every February, people across Canada participate in Black History Month events and festivities that honour the legacy of Black Canadians and their communities.
The 2022 theme for Black History Month is: “February and Forever: Celebrating Black History today and every day,” which focuses on recognizing the daily contributions that Black Canadians make to Canada. View more information.
Age with Rights (Webinar)
Global Alliance for the Rights of Older People (GAROP)
March 3, 2022, Online
Registration for this event is now open.
Hosted by the Global Alliance of the Rights of Older People (GAROP), this webinar is part of a global call-to-action, bringing advocates from around the world to call for a UN convention for the international protection of all older adults and their rights, and urging governments to take action by participating in the upcoming United Nations (UN) Working Group meeting on Ageing in April 2022 to support this new convention.
BC CRN invites you to join this important online conversation with our partners from across Canada to learn about and advocate for an international convention of the rights of older persons. A convention is enforceable and is an important tool to:
- Codify the rights of older persons;
- Establish a shared global understanding of definitions and minimum standards of practice;
- Act as an anti-discriminatory and anti-ageism tool;
- Require governments to collect data, develop indicators, establish laws and policies, and develop programs that take into account the rights and concerns of older persons;
- Help create societies for people of all ages everywhere to lead lives of dignity throughout their life-course.[1]
View more information on the Age with Rights campaign.
Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for upcoming details and programming information.
[1] Source: UN NGO Committee on Ageing, NY Newsletter, Feb. 2022
2022 Provincial Summit on Aging (By Invitation)
United Way British Columbia Healthy Aging
April 27-29, 2022, Executive Hotel Vancouver Airport, Richmond, BC
The third biennial Summit brings together Community-Based Seniors’ Services (CBSS) organizations, older adults, family and friend caregivers, academia, and government representatives to discuss and collaborate on current issues and innovations in healthy aging.
The 2022 Summit theme – Better Together – paves the way towards an integrated, older person-centered model of support in British Columbia.
Official invitations will be sent separately and include specific instructions to register as an individual and/or an exhibitor or sponsor, and will also highlight hybrid participation options, travel policies and bursaries, registration deadlines, and fees.
Please email with any questions about the event.
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2022
June 15, 2022, Worldwide
Wear your best purple and join us in recognizing this important day of awareness and community safely in-person and online!
Be sure to look out for #WEAAD22 information leading up to June 15 online and from your local Community Response Network (CRN)!
(Header Photo: S. Handa)