CRNs in the Community: Summer Celebrations and Fall Presentations

View of ocean and distant mountains through trees at a beach

As the days begin to cool and shorten and summer gives way to fall, our CRNs are refreshed and busy with new events and workshops. But before we say a final goodbye to the warm weather, here are a few more memories from the summer. 

Program Presentation

Kitmat CRN partnered with Haisla Senior Centre and Kitimat RCMP to host a See Something Say Something program presentation mid-summer. The goal was to bring awareness about Elder abuse to the Haisla Nation people. An information table was set up with referral resource materials and representatives discussed the various aspects of abuse, neglect and self-neglect while showcasing the resources. 

Summer Barbeque

Winner, winner, kabob barbeque dinner! The Sea to Sky CRN changed up the August menu of their monthly dinner club to suit the summer vibe. Another new feature was a draw for a free dinner as an incentive to attract new attendees. The winner was indeed a first-time guest who also encouraged her neighbours to come out. Each month, the CRN hosts a meal to encourage the local seniors out of isolation and foster community connection. Referral resources and materials are made available and the Coordinator educates attendees about abuse, neglect and self-neglect. 

Community Celebration

Lakes District CRN was present at Granisle Day to bring awareness to the approximately 300 residents of this rural community in the BC Central Interior, Lakes District. Approximately 70% of the Granisle residents are seniors. CRN representatives met the local politicians, town councilors, non profit organizations, emergency services personnel, artisans and residents. A full day of festivities included a parade and traditional dances by the Lake Babine First Nations people. 

Granisle Day: Images provided by A. Marshall, Lakes District CRN

High Visibility

Sparwood CRN recently invested in a big banner to hang on the boards at the local hockey arena. The arena is fully booked over the fall-spring seasons with hockey games and figure skating events that bring participants and spectators from far and wide. This method of spreading awareness will give the BC CRNs message greater exposure and offer unique opportunities to connect with the community. The banner will be on display from September to March 2025. 

Cut the Clutter

BC CRNs rolled out a new program this month: Introduction to Extreme Clutter, and our North Shore CRN and Williams Lake CRN have already held workshops. Reports from the Williams Lake CRN say the new program was well received and attended by approximately 45 people from the community. 

Introduction to Extreme Clutter: images provided by E. Navrot, Williams Lake CRN 

Soup’s On

The Gabriola CRN and host agency Gabriola Island People for a Healthy Community Society (PHC), are running a weekly Soup Social for local seniors over the next year. To date, an average of 35 people show up for a warm meal, complete with coffee and dessert. The social offers a place where seniors can gather to meet, engage in conversation, and connect with community health and wellness resources, including abuse, neglect and self-neglect. Gabriola’s median age is 64 and many seniors are on fixed incomes. The growing cost of food and housing instability are creating additional stressors on seniors. The Soup Social enables PHC staff and volunteers to get to know participants so that changes in health, behaviour or wellbeing can be identified and followed up with referrals in specific cases after the event.

View of ocean and distant mountains through trees at a beach

Regional Mentor, Jennifer Lazenby, at PHC on Gabriola Island: image provided by J. Lazenby

In Case You Missed It

On the first Tuesday of each month, BC CRN hosts an online workshop featuring one of our three main programs. This month we launched a fourth program: Introduction to Extreme Clutter. Visit the events page to learn more and register for upcoming presentations. To request a presentation, see the Programs page or email

From September through June, we also feature a monthly Provincial Learning Event. We are always on the lookout to bring you relevant topics and resources to help navigate current issues facing older and vulnerable adults. 

  • September’s PLE topic was Elder Abuse in the LGBTQ2SA+ Community, highlighting the unique needs and journey of queer and trans seniors. Watch the replay here
  • Coming October 15th: Navigating Home Care & Senior Housing. As BC’s senior population grows, demands for home and residential care continue to increase and the needs of those in long-term care are becoming more complex. To learn more or register, visit the event information page

Stay in the know by signing up for our Newsletter, watch the calendar on the Events page, or follow us on Facebook. Watch on-demand all our past workshops posted on our website here.


Explore our website to learn more about BC CRN or connect with your local CRN for more information or resources.



© BC CRNs. All rights reserved. • Registered Charity#: 89342 3400 RR0001 • We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia • Privacy Policy