CRN Document Library


All BC CRNs are eligible to apply for up to $5000 in Grants annually.

Applications will be accepted for projects at any time but must be completed, invoiced, & reported by January 31 each year. Applications can be in any amount as long as the annual amount does not exceed $5,000. This is to allow us to prepare for our annual reports at March 31.

On approval of a grant the CRN will receive an email confirmation.
The deadline for completion and invoicing/reporting will be stated.

  • Complete this application form below.
  • Once the application is approved by the Executive Director, Sherry Baker, the amount requested will be allocated to your project.
  • Submit a completed invoice from the CRN Library with all receipts, for reimbursement at the completion of your project. All invoices received within the month will be paid out in the first week of the following month. Please specify to whom the cheque will be payable. For additional cheque recipients, complete a separate invoice for each one.
  • At the end of the project, please also complete the Project Report. Track all information (including all “in-kind” hours, donations, and costs associated with the project).
  • Please contact your Mentor or Arlene Johnston with any questions.



Promo Materials Order Form
Change of Information Form
Expense Claim
Insurance Certificate Request Form
Logo – BC CRN PDF File
Testimonial Report – Forward to
Website Update – Forward updates to
CRN Agreement to Form a Local CRN Form


Do you have any questions? Please refer to the BC CRN Administration Contact Sheet for more details.