35 events found.
Calendar of Events
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See Something, Say Something! Online Presentation
See Something, Say Something! Online Presentation
You are invited to join us for this dynamic online presentation. The See Something, Say Something! Reducing Risk for Older Adults program is designed to
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Provincial Learning Event Webinar: Independent Long-Term Care Councils Association of BC
Provincial Learning Event Webinar: Independent Long-Term Care Councils Association of BC
BC CRN welcomes Lisa Dawson, Vice President of Independent Long-Term Care Councils Association of BC (ILTCCABC) for February’s Provincial Learning Event online webinar. Participants will
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Virtual Administration Orientation for CRN Coordinators
Virtual Administration Orientation for CRN Coordinators
The BC CRN would like to welcome all Regional Mentors and CRN Coordinators to join an online Administration Orientation hosted by the Administration Team. This