The Vancouver Downtown Eastside (DTES) is a region in the city of Vancouver that borders Gastown and Strathcona. It’s one of Vancouver oldest neighbourhoods, and often noted for high levels of poverty, homelessness, substance use, and mental illness. The population is estimated to be between 6,000 and 8,000, with many adults being vulnerable, low income, and at-risk men, women, seniors, and aboriginal. Proposals and public consultations aim to increase investment in social housing, increase capacity for treating people with addictions and mental illness, distribute services across the city, and improve service coordination.
Communities Served:
- Vancouver Eastside
Kate Hodgson
Phone: (604) 257-6949
Regional Mentor:
Joanna Li
Community Contact List:
2016 Community Contact List – Vancouver DTES Designated Responders List
This contact information will put you in touch with people who are able to give you more information about services in your area. They are typically available during business hours Monday to Friday. Should this be an emergency situation, please consider calling your local RCMP detachment or the Police authority for your area.