Community Response Networks

Robson Valley Community Response Network

Robson Valley is located in eastern BC near the Rocky Mountains, following the Fraser River up to Yellowhead Pass. Communities in the Robson Valley include Dome Creek, Crescent Spur, Dunster, and Tête Jaune Cache, with larger population concentrations in the villages of McBride and Valemount. There are also eight traditional First Nations groups: Lheidli T’enneh First Nation, Simpcw First Nation, Lhtako Dene Nation, Canim Lake Indian Band, Xat’súll First Nation (Soda Creek), Shuswap First Nation, Okanagan First Nation, and Tsilhqot’in. The total population of the region is approximately 3,100.

Communities Served:

  • McBride
  • Dome Creek
  • Tete Jaune
  • Dunster
  • Penny
  • Crescent Spur
  • Valemount

Network Coordinator:
Shelby Holt
Ph: 1-844-324-2004

Regional Mentor:
Anjali Marshall

Host Agency:
Robson Valley Community Services

Community Contact List:
Local Community Contact List – Robson Valley

This contact information will put you in touch with people who are able to give you more information about services in your area. They are typically available during business hours Monday to Friday. Should this be an emergency situation, please consider calling your local RCMP detachment or the Police authority for your area.
