The Cowichan Valley is located in the southern region of Vancouver Island, and covers an area that reaches both the east and west coasts of the island. This area includes Cowichan River, Cowichan Bay and Cowichan Lake. It’s known for its vineyards and wineries, and hiking trails that form part of the world-famous Trans Canada Trail. Cowichan has a population of approximately 84,000, with about a quarter of residents aged 65+.
Communities Served:
- Chemainus
- Duncan
- North Cowichan
- Town of Lake Cowichan
- Crofton
Christine Fagen
Phone: (250) 748-2133
Regional Mentor:
Cheryl Stinson
Jennifer Lazenby (on leave)
Host Agency:
Volunteer Cowichan
Community Contact List:
Community Contact List – Cowichan
Cowichan CRN – Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic:
Local love in a global crisis: COVID-19 service updates
Ready for the Unexpected: Incapacity Planning
Are you ready for the unexpected? Many of us will at some point in our lives be incapable of making health care, personal care, financial or legal decisions. Being prepared allows your beliefs, values and wishes to be represented and respected when you are incapable. Being prepared also reduces the stress on your family and friends who may be called on to make decisions on your behalf. The presentations and associated handouts below address how you can prepare for the possibility of becoming incapable of making health care, personal care, financial or legal decisions. Many options are presented, but the focus of the presentations and associated handouts are on those instruments that will help to most people, an enduring power of attorney and the enhanced representation agreement (RA9). Our project partners for the pilot phase included Cowichan Hospice, Cowichan Family Caregivers, Volunteer Cowichan (host of Cowichan Region CRN) and Pacific Rim Hospice. The Elder Care Project in Cowichan and the Cowichan Region CRN produced the foldable brochure for public distribution.
- Ready for the Unexpected: Why you Should Have an Advance Care Plan
- Ready for the Unexpected: Making your Advance Care Plan
- Ready for the Unexpected? Incapacity Planning
- Ready for the Unexpected? Making an Advance Care Plan
Additional Resources:
- Cowichan Communities Health Profile – A resource in understanding the key determinants of health within the region
- Cowichan Year End Report 2021 – Good health is more than good health care by Cindy Lise
- Pathways Community Service Directory – The Pathways project has started to make its Community Service Directory available to the public in participating communities.
This contact information will put you in touch with people who are able to give you more information about services in your area. They are typically available during business hours Monday to Friday. Should this be an emergency situation, please consider calling your local RCMP detachment or the Police authority for your area.