Located in the Fraser Valley, Chilliwack was named by the Stó:lō First Nation and means “valley of many streams.” It’s the seventh largest city in BC with just over 73,000 residents. Seniors 65+ make up 21% of the total population. The city is also known for neighbouring Cultus Lake and Chilliwack Lake Provincial Parks.
Communities Served:
- Chilliwack
- Rosedale
- Cultus Lake
- Yarrow
- Sardis
Regional Mentor:
Jas Cheema
Network Coordinators:
Ron Angell
Phone: (604) 845-4374
Host Agency:
Chilliwack Senior Peer Counsellor
Community Contact List:
2018 Community Contact List – Chilliwack
Chillwack CRN – Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic:
Chilliwack Community Cares program offers help during COVID-19 crisis
This contact information will put you in touch with people who are able to give you more information about services in your area. They are typically available during business hours Monday to Friday. Should this be an emergency situation, please consider calling your local RCMP detachment or the Police authority for your area.