Community Response Networks

Bella Coola Community Response Network

Bella Coola is a community located in a valley of the same name, just in-land of the middle of BC’s west coast. It is home to the Nuxalk Nation who have lived in the wider Bella Coola area for over a millennium. Most members now live on the Bella Coola No.1 reserve, which has a population of over 800.

Communities Served:

  • Bella Coola

Sara Wells
Phone: (250) 799-5588

Regional Mentor:
Sarah Gibson

Community Contact List:
Community Contact List – Bella Coola

This contact information will put you in touch with people who are able to give you more information about services in your area. They are typically available during business hours Monday to Friday. Should this be an emergency situation, please consider calling your local RCMP detachment or the Police authority for your area.
