Message from BC CRN Executive Director Sherry Baker: BC CRN Joins Colleagues at United Way Summit on Aging 2022

The BC CRN enjoyed being part of the United Way Healthy Aging Summit, which was held from April 27 to 29 in Richmond. This bi-annual conference brings together everyone who works in the sector, including the Community-Based Seniors’ Services (CBSS) organizations, older adults, family and friend caregivers, academia, and government representatives to discuss and collaborate on current issues, innovation, and healthy aging. To quote Kahir Lalji from the United Way: “As we move forward as a sector in a changing world, the 2022 Provincial Summit on Aging provides a much-awaited and needed opportunity to co-create, co-develop and celebrate together (sic) the work we do for older British Columbians, their family, friends, and caregivers.”

The Summit was focused on the future and how we can all do this work together. The BC CRN was well represented by a host of CRN Coordinators from around the province, several Regional Mentors, a Regional Consultant, and two members of our Administration Team, who hosted an information table, actively answering questions and giving out materials on abuse, neglect and self-neglect.

Two of our Regional Mentors, Jane Osborne (Central and North Vancouver Island) and Tim Rowe (North Interior), are also active members of United Way Standing Committees. Jane serves on a committee looking at rural and remote issues and Tim serves on a committee dealing with seniors’ housing issues. They conducted presentations of their own with the in-person and online support of several of their BC CRN colleagues. Regional Mentor Ken Kuhn (Fraser Valley West) hosted a workshop on transportation.

It was wonderful to finally be together and to meet members of our BC CRN family in person for the first time since 2019. The conference brought leaders from across Canada to provide insights and perspective on the important work being done nationally – and internationally – to fight agism, racism, poverty, violence, and abuse.  It was an inspiring experience for all who attended.

Click on the pictures to view a larger image. Stay tuned for more on what happened at the Summit in future E-Connector editions!

(Photos: J. Li; K. Kuhn; J. Cheema; S. McCreight)

(Header Photo: MOSAIC Multicultural Seniors Choir performed at the Summit. Photo source: MOSAIC)

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