BC CRN Board Members and Mentors Announcements

Newly elected board members and regional mentor

BC CRN wishes to thank our outgoing members and welcome two new Board Members and one Mentor. 


Board Member Updates


With heartfelt thanks we bid farewell to outgoing Board Member Elisse Tan, MSW, RSW, for her many years of dedicated service as our board secretary. We are also grateful for her education and mentorship to our members and the public through her role as Director of Vancouver Coastal Health’s Re:Act Adult Program. Elisse was part of a panel of presenters in a past Provincial Learning Event webinar: Reporting Abuse and the Adult Guardianship Act.


Smiling woman with glasses and black jacket

A warm welcome to newly appointed Board Member, Dr. Balbir Kaur Gurm, RN, BSN, MA, EdD. Dr. Balbir is a community leader and award-winning educator at Kwantlen Polytechnic University. With 40 years of experience in healthcare and education, she advocates for system change to create culturally safe and inclusive environments. As the founder and facilitator of the Network to Eliminate Violence in Relationships (NEVR), she leverages multidisciplinary academic knowledge to address the pandemic of relationship violence. Read more.


Smiling man with glasses in white shirt

A warm welcome to newly appointed Board Member, Michael Volker, who will be serving as our Treasurer. Michael spent the first 20 years of his career in the private sector working with retailers and manufacturers in upper leadership roles. Looking for an improved life work balance and a more meaningful career, he moved to the non-profit sector in 2013. Over the past 12 years Michael has specialized in the operational side of nonprofit management currently working as the Executive Director of 411 Seniors Centre Society. Read more.


Mentor Updates


We wish to express our deepest gratitude to Laura Beamish, for her many years of hard work as the Regional Mentor to North Eastern BC. Her passionate dedication was clearly seen through advocating and overseeing the education of the Coordinators and communities in her region on the prevention of adult abuse, neglect and self-neglect.


A warm welcome goes out to Lorna Penner who has taken on the Regional Mentor role in the North East. Lorna is a long time resident of Fort St. John, BC and area. A small business owner, artist and teacher, Lorna has worked in the community supporting and assisting vulnerable children and adults throughout different situations, disabilities and stages of life. She is looking forward to putting her community connections to work for BC CRN. 


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