Beginnings – In the spring of 1989, a group of community organizations and interested individuals met to discuss adult guardianship. They all agreed that the existing legislation was obsolete and did not represent the values of those present. Project funding was acquired to review the legislation.
The project to review adult guardianship in B.C. was a community consensus building process. In July 1991, the Framework document was produced by the project. The Joint working committee (with equal representation from government and community) refined the framework resulting in the discussion paper ‘How Can We Help’ in 1992.
Pilot Projects – In 1994, five communities were selected as “pilot projects” to prepare for the implementation of the legislation. They included the communities of Vernon, Kamloops, Abbotsford, Castlegar and Duncan. The purpose of the projects were to prepare for the implementation of the abuse and neglect provisions of the legislation.
BC CRN’s 25 Years of History booklet is available to download (BC CRN thanks Heather Von Ilberg for compiling the historical content of this document).