About Us


The British Columbia Association of Community Response Networks (BC CRN) grew out of the need to create an on-going, permanent provincial funding and support structure for the benefit of vulnerable adults who are experiencing (or at risk of experiencing) abuse, neglect, and self-neglect.

The Association provides small project funding, resources, materials, training, and support people to assist over 90 Community Response Networks (CRNs) in their work.  As well, provincial learning events are held on a monthly basis with all CRN members and interested parties invited to join the conversation.

At the local level, CRNs facilitate prevention and education activities with local stakeholders, by supporting a coordinated response to abuse, neglect and self neglect of vulnerable adults in British Columbia.  In liaising at the provincial level through their Regional Mentors and the Executive Director, CRNs assist in identifying common themes, barriers, and issues which require work at the regional, provincial, and sometimes national level.

BC CRN Information Brochure